The Role of Anti-inflammatory Foods


The foods you eat can cause an inflammatory responses that causes or worsens bodily pain and other inflammatory symptoms. Adding anti-inflammatory foods to your diet could improve sensations of pain, mobility, and comfort. Inflammation is

The Role of Anti-inflammatory Foods2020-09-07T16:27:02-07:00

Stress Eating


Food is often a source of comfort for many of us when we are stressed. Our brains are hard-wired to appreciate the flavors of sweet and salt. Sugar will stimulate the reward centers in our

Stress Eating2020-09-07T16:27:24-07:00



Anyone who has had a poor night’s sleep can tell you how it impacts their productivity the next day. Feeling sluggish, dull, and not at one’s best are all hallmarks of a lack of sleep.


Stress Management: Cortisol Calm


The stress hormone cortisol, is released in response to stress and is mainly produced by the adrenal cortex. Cortisol Calm is designed to maintain healthy cortisol levels and support relaxation, restful sleep, and positive mood

Stress Management: Cortisol Calm2020-09-07T16:28:30-07:00
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